1. My name was supposed to be Carmen but my mum and dad were too fob. Therefore my name came from my Chinese name. 'Gamen' and 'Gamun' see very creative :D
2. Apparently I have tiny ears. Like my pinkies are bigger than my ears (for normal people they are the same size) so I have come up with the decision that I am disproportional.
3. I walk pretty fast because as a kid I always had trouble keeping up with my dad and adopted walking faster than usual.
4. Because I walk fast I am always in front of my friends, therefore I walk backwards so I can talk to them.
5. I can remember dates really easily, as long as something significant was/is on that day. eg. birthdays.
6. That date memory thing can sometimes be very bothersome because I still remember things that I shouldn't remember. eg. day I lost my first kiss, day I lost my virginity(LOL. I kid I kid but I reckon that day will stick to me)
7. I am a righty, but I use my left hand to open jars.
8. When I was 7. I was playing 'Blind Man's Bluff' crashed into my bed and got like 6 stitches on my forehead.
9. I haven't ever gotten stung by a bee.
10. I haven't gotten chickenpox.
11. So far I am not allergic to anything, but we shall see one day I might get stung by a bee and be allergic to that. I hope that day won't come.
12. I believe that there are parallel world's and we can one day travel to them.
13. I have watched porn LOL.
14. I find those demeaning sexist jokes hilarious, even though I am a girl.
15. I reckon if I was in a relationship, I would be the man.
16. I haven't seen any of those legendary movies. eg. Lord of the Rings, Avatar, Star Wars, James Bond, Fantastic 4, Spiderman 3 etc.
17. Whenever someone does not pronounce my name properly I will automatically correct them because I am so used to it.
18. Although my neighbour of like 15 years still pronounces my name wrong. I'm too afraid to correct them after all these years. I don't want to embarrass him ^^"
19. I played as a magistrate in my year 5 school play.
20. I like the smell of incense.
21. I have crashed into a tree while driving.
22. I somehow managed to keep driving perfectly fine even though I was crying at the wheel. Twice.
23. Oh. I'm still on my L's by the way. I've been on them for more than a year. I CAN'T BE STUFFED DOING MY HOURS!
24. When I was a kid I liked to be squashed under a queen sized mattress. Don't ask.
25. I am about 165cm tall. And weigh about 46kg.
26. I dislike eating vegetables. I love my meat though :D
27. I dislike sleeping in. I just don't like that groggy feeling.
28. I have only moved houses once. And we moved across the road.
29. When I was a kid, in summer I enjoyed running around the house naked :D
30. I like going to the beach just to listen to the waves crashing onto the shore.
31. I haven't broken any bones. Although in grade 7 I thought I broke my thumb when I was playing cricket.
32. My thumb does not stand straight. It kind of naturally bends backwards.
33. People find the thumb thing weird and gross. I can also force my thumb to touch the wrist of the same hand.
34. I fail at winking with my right eye.
35. I prefer eating crabs over lobsters.
36. I am Asian. Yet I have not eaten tofu. And it has only been recent since I have eaten Migoreng and even with that I have only eaten it like 3 times.
37. I once had a pet dog for one day, we had to return her to the original owners because she didn't like us.
38. The second language at my primary school was Vietnamese. I was there for 8 and a half years yet all I know is how to count, some animals and food.
39. I used to collect coins, until I dropped them all behind my wardrobe in my room. The wardrobe is too large to move so I couldn't be bothered anymore.
40. I also tried to collect stamps. But we never got any letters with stamps on them so I also gave that up.
41. I can't blow bubbles from bubble gum.
42. I can fit in the lockers at my school and also get locked in them with plenty of room still left. This might not sound all that great but if you see the size of our lockers you would be amazed.
43. My favourite colour is green. And I dislike the colours pink and purple.
44. My nightmares all have a theme in common and they are something to do with loneliness.
45. My best childhood friend is my cousin. We have known each other since we were only a few months old. We attended to the same kindergarten, primary school and currently the same high school.
46. I don't know how to swim :D
47. I believe in the afterlife or reincarnation. I believe in my past life I was a boy that died at a young age ):
48. I have read the Harry Potter series at least 4 times.
49. I enjoy listening and reading horror ghost stories. But I dislike watching horror.
50. I'm pretty good at doing Sudoku puzzles.
51. I like the feeling of Déjà vu.
52. I dislike getting the hiccups because I get them at least every 2 days.
53. My hair is very black. Most people with black hair reveals to be very very dark brown hair. But my hair is actually black. Some people mistaken me as international because of this.
54. I like to make out shapes and pictures from clouds. I have made out pictures like Michelangelo's "The creation of Adam" , a tsunami, dragons, bunnys, a uterus... yeah I'm strange.
55. There was a time where I thought I went crazy. I just randomly started to cry and then started to laugh for no apparent reason.
56. My favourite type of games are RPG and racing games. Some of my all time favourites are 'Secret of Mana', 'Final Fantasy Tactics Advance', 'Mario Kart' and many others :)
57. When I was a kid, I thought the Pokemon Hoot-hoot evolved into Ho-oh...
58. I am quite gullible...
59. I love Youtube :D if I find a suspicious video I will pause it and read the comments just to check its not one of those screaming and POP ghost picture videos.
60. I wish Anime characters were real, because they are so sexy, I totally would make love to them :)
61. I like to draw, but not in front of people.
62. I have almost chopped off my finger before when I was chopping an apple. I still like chopping apples to eat.
63. When I was little there once was a time when I used a sharpener to sharpen my finger :)
64. When I was a kid I liked to 'cook' with mud, dirt and grass.
65. I like to do gardening, but I don't do it very often. I was so sad when my pea plant died ):
66. My favourite genre of music is RnB. Favourite band is Varsity Fanclub <3
67. I am more likely to fart than burp. Just saying.
68. I have kissed a girl... on the lips ;D
69. Hehe 69 ;)
70. Yupp. I'm immature, dirty minded and sick. People who find this out about me are very surprised.
71. I really enjoy reading :)
72. I am very indecisive but for some reason people make me choose whatever we are choosing.
73. My friends like to name me after food, when I was small my sister called me Caramel. My bestie calls me Yumcha, another calls me Gumbo, and another calls me Gummybear. I wonder if they want to eat me or something.
74. I get nosebleeds when I'm cold instead of when it is hot. Even so I still like winter the most.
75. I get a runny nose whenever I eat hot or chilli food.
76. I wouldn't mind being a teacher, but I wouldn't want my students to address me as Ms. Ngu. If you are Vietnamese you will understand why.
77. I'm not scared of insects and that. They kind of fascinate me instead. Except for giant millipedes, worms or centipedes. That shit shouldn't be allowed to grow that big.
78. My dad once found a giant huntsman spider in my room. Lucky I was overseas at the time. My mum and dad now wonder if my room is some sort of nasty breeding ground.
79. I have stepped on a slug barefooted. Yes it was quite gross.
80. I have never gotten period cramps before. I fear that when I am in labor it will hurt like hell.
81. I fear clowns and dolls. They just look way too creepy, I don't understand how children can enjoy them.
82. I just had fried rice and steak for dinner. So yeah I like to combine Asian food with Aussie food because I'm cool like that.
83. I really need to pee right now, but I'm too lazy to go. The toilet is only like 10 steps away...
84. The last time I peed my pants was when I was 7. We were at LeCornu and my mum and dad were too busy talking to the salespeople. I didn't want to interrupt them but in the end I peed my pants.
85. One of my most embarrassing moments was in grade 8. I went on a walk with my homegroup. And you know those poles that keep cars from driving right through? You usually leap over them like a frog yeah? Well I forgot that I was wearing a dress, tried to jump over the pole... the pole caught onto my dress and I was left swinging around...
86. I also dislike silence. It kind of scares me, it's like someone died or something. That's why I like thunderstorms at night. And also my dad snoring, its kind of comforting.
87. There's something about me that attracts mosquitoes. My record of mosquito bites was more than 60 when I was in China and Vietnam. My mum says I must have sweet blood.
88. I like to sing. But I'm not very good at it :)
89. I have been inside a casino even though I was only 15 years old at the time. It was because I was 'tall' and looked adult-ish. That's funny because everyone is surprised that I am 17 right now. They think I'm like 14 or 15.
90. On New Year of this year, I got bitten and scratched by a dog. I had to go to hospital to get bandaged and to see if I needed shots. It was a great start of the year :D
91. I actually like getting injections.
92. I have only recently discovered that I have a birthmark. It was on my back all along.
93. In year 7, when we did a chemistry experiment. We were using litmus paper to find if something was acidic or a basic. One of the exercises was to find out what our saliva is. Everyone else was basic while I was acidic.
94. I caught 'Missingno' the glitch in Pokemon Blue and Red. It evolved into a Rhydon. My sister caught the other glitch 'M' the little sprite was a human but it evolved into a Kangaskan.
95. Despite me being Chinese, I cannot use chopsticks properly. Even now I still use a spoon for my rice :)
96. I use to tie string to a plastic bag, and roll the string onto a pencil or something. When it was windy I would fly the plastic bag as a kite...
97. I had an imaginary friend named 'Alice' when I was 3.
98. When I talk to strangers, I kind of talk in a higher pitched voice. I think this habit was because I wanted to leave the impression that I was a sweet girl.
99. I used to have the habit of cracking my knuckles, but I stopped because everyone kept telling me off.
100. I space out a lot. So if it looks like I'm staring at you, I'm most likely spaced out. Unless you are good looking then ;)