Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 30 - Your reflection in the mirror

Ahh, you have come a longggg way. You used to bottle absolutely everything up. You didn't want any sort of help or assistance and thought you could handle everything yourself. You were wrong, you didn't do anything because you hoped that eventually everything would be okay. You used to think that time will heal everything. But now, I realized that time does not heal everything because in the end there might be a scar. I didn't want anything left behind that I will forever remember and regret about, so I began to change little by little. I started to live it the way I wanted it to be, instead of wondering what others thought about me, if i did this or that. Now I have freedom, and hey it feels great :D

And you, dear reflection, I can see that you are developing shadows under your eyes and some redness too. I advise you to get more sleep! And hair, stop sticking out everywhere, I'm getting too lazy to straighten you every morning.

Anyways, my epic adventure is now over guys :O I'll find some way to keep blogging. Just don't expect too much anymore. Anyways toodles for now :)

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